Friday, July 16, 2010


Sunday the 18th 7:00pm to 11:00pm at AOT.

We are about whatever at all into others’ consciousness with things made of our efforts towards this life that is not livable!

I want to attempt with this deictic to convey a sense of an aspiration I’ve acquired to order some items, find some form and on that note understand/create. This, in alliance with friends whom allowed me to put this announcement together on approach of the activities/ presentation/ work that we will try to commit to ‘memory’ predating a further development that will happen sometime in August also at AOT. Actually most of this is from G.H. (the novel, not a person)…so there is this, “My question, if I had one, wasn’t ‘what am I?’ but rather ‘among whom am I?’” Also “I shall have to raise my consciousness of life outside to so high a point that it would amount to a crime against my personal life” …and this last one… “I was about to confront within myself a degree of living so orginary that it bordered on the inanimate.” Approaching our work we wear each other by spending time. Please reply.


Coming up next time…details.

Curtis Allen
Kelsey Olson
David Frohlich

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