Saturday, July 3, 2010

Studio Visit | Sam Hoolihan

I've been realizing more and more that having a true sense of balance within work, life, and outward relationships greatly effect ones internal patterns. Photographer Sam Hoolihan creates work that poses a reflection on a process that strives for an equilibrium within his inner and outer circumstances. By doing so, the work achieves in not being a simple personification of the wonderment he might have to what he has gone through in life. Hoolihan's Family Portrait Studio Project demonstrates a process that throughout its entirety a given sense of honesty is provided that couldn't be obtained in any other way.

Using Lifetouch's Family Portrait Studio and their trained photographers at the Edina JCPenny, Hoolihan uses both himself and close friends to comically depict the discrepancy between a family's portrait photos on the mantle and the actuality of their dynamic and sometimes disgruntled relationships. David and I snooped around his studio discussing his feelings about about these complexities found between family portraiture and the realities within human relationships.

Before leaving we also had some time to talk about his concerns between the growth of American culture and how it will perceive it self in years to come. In end I felt a unique promotion of the longevity in a life lived more self sustainably to run throughout the gamut of his work - which to me runs parallel to his inward search for a balanced life between himself and the outer circumstances he feels to been dealt personally and socially. Mr. Hoolihan definitely has some interesting things on his plate to present at his Graduate Thesis come next spring.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks Jabari for making the studio visit and posting your thoughts! Hazaa!
